This web site has only been possible because of the help of many individuals and organisations.

To begin with my thanks go to Joe Hawes who has been key to the growth of this site. He is the developer of the Waymark plugin for WordPress. The Waymark plugin is an awesome tool for anyone interested in the outdoors and mapping. It allows you to present any journey, trail or route in a variety of ways. You can find out more about the Waymark plugin from his web site.

The support people at have repeatedly and efficiently helped. Without their assistance a WordPress novice like me may well have given up long ago. The professionalism of these support staff is overwhelming . I receive a response within hours of submitting a ticket and have never been let down

The following plugins have provided much needed extra capability to the site:

All of these plugins provide extensive documentation. Without this help it would have been impossible to develop the site. I salute you for the help you’ve provided.

I have used the Primer Theme from Godaddy which has been a very good starting point.

My thanks goes to all the unknown contributors that have created such fantastic tools.

Finally the biggest thanks must go to all the developers who have made WordPress what it is today. This should also include all the helpers to the support forums. These people add their expertise and support to the community at large.

So a big thanks from to all who have helped.